Independent agency for accreditation and ranking

Independent agency for accreditation and rating

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IAAR interview with the working group of the project "Strengthening quality assurance systems for higher education in Kyrgyzstan: Baseline analysis and national consultations"


On January 27, 2021, General Director Alina Zhumagulova, Advisor Olga Yanovskaya and Project Manager Guliyash Niyazova took part in an interview with the working group of the project implemented by UNESCO with the support of the Funds in Trust of the Republic of Korea, under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic and technical support from INQAAHE (International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education).

The issues of the methodology of international institutional and programme accreditation of  HEIs in Kyrgyzstan, the specifics of the Accreditation Standards, the effectiveness of external assessment and its impact on improving the internal quality assurance system of an educational organization and determining new directions for the development of the education system were discussed.
