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Article Requirements


When preparing articles for publication in the journal "Education. Quality Assurance" must be guided by the following rules.

1. The article must meet the following criteria:
  1. relevance of the work and compliance with the priority scientific areas of the Journal (importance, applicability of ideas, methods, technologies described in the article)
  2. scientific novelty (originality of the idea, solution of the assigned research tasks)
  3. structure (consistency, consistency, coherence of presentation)
  4. the significance of the main research results (presentation of the results, theoretical and practical significance, conclusions, scientific and practical significance)
  5. literary level of the article (communicative value, compliance with scientific style, linguistic and stylistic norms)
  6. quality of design: compliance with the requirements of the Editorial Board, the use of terminological vocabulary, keywords, the presence of annotations in three (Kazakh, Russian, English) languages, a list of used literature
  7. compliance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, including on the protection of intellectual property.

2. The author needs to clearly define the specifics of the problem being investigated and its connection with important scientific and practical tasks, and identify the purpose of the study. The article should provide a brief analysis of the latest research and publications, in which the solution of this problem has been started and to which the author refers. The main material is presented with full justification of the scientific results obtained, the article ends with conclusions based on the results of the study. It is also desirable to show the prospects for further research in this direction.

3. Article structure:
  • code MRSTI and UDC;
  • The title of the article, information about the authors and their affiliation in three languages;
  • Abstract (no more than 150 words) in three languages;
  • Key words in three languages;
  • Introduction;
  • The main part of the research;
  • The results obtained (conclusions);
  • Bibliography;
  • Information about authors.

Introduction. In the introduction, the relevance of the research topic, its goals and objectives are given, on their basis an analysis of the materials obtained is given, the expediency of a methodological approach to the problems considered in the article is proved.

Materials and research methods are described briefly and in a specific way. The section should present the object of research and all the methods used in its conduct, show their essence and reasonable choice. Provide examples of key studies as needed.

Results and their discussion. The section should present the main results of the study; the factual data are objective, systematised and concise using text supplemented with illustrations. The author(s) shows the significance or novelty of the research, focus on the identified patterns, and gives specific recommendations.

Conclusion (brief and informative). In this section, the results obtained and their novelties are formulated. Suggestions and recommendations should confirm the achievement of the goals and objectives of the study. It should indicate the possibility of using the results obtained in practice and suggest directions for further research.

4. Technical specifications

The text of an article of at least 6 pages is provided in Kazakh / Russian and / or English in electronic form (documents are accepted in doc or docx formats) in compliance with the following parameters:

  • font Times New Roman, font size - 14 pt, line spacing - single, justified alignment, paragraph indentation - 1.25 cm;
  • left margin - 3 cm, right margin - 1.5 cm, top and bottom margins - 2 cm;
  • the text is printed only on one side of the sheet, the pages are numbered sequentially (the number is indicated in the lower right corner of the page);
  • all abbreviations and abbreviations must be deciphered at the first mention in the text.
5. Figures and tables

The numbering of tables and figures should be continuous throughout the text. Figures are numbered separately from tables. Each table and figure must be referenced in the text, it is necessary to type the word "figure / table" in full and put a number through a space (In figure 1 ...; see table 1 ...)

If the text contains drawings, they must be contained both in the text itself and in separate files (.jpeg, .png) attached in addition to the text of the article. The quality of illustrations must be at least 300 dpi. The name of the figure is placed as a sub-figure, aligned in the centre. The point mark after the drawing name is not inserted. Sample: Figure 1 - Name of the figure

The table name is aligned to the left without paragraph indentation. The point mark after the drawing name is not inserted. Tables with landscape orientation are not desirable. Sample: Table 1 - Table name

6. Bibliographic list

For each source from the list, a link is required in the text. The absence of a bibliographic list may result in refusal to register an article.

The list of used literature is given at the end of the article, is included in the total number of pages of the article and is drawn up as the sources are mentioned. The volume of the list is no more than 10 sources; self-citation - no more than 20%.

In articles written in Kazakh, Russian or English, the list of references should have a standard subtitle «Әдебиеттер тізімі»/ «Список литературы» / "References" and is drawn up in accordance with GOST 7.1-2003 (including if the list contains English-language sources).

References to literature in articles are made in square brackets along the text of the article, indicating the source number according to the bibliographic list (for example: [1]). References to literature in the form of footnotes at the bottom of the page are inadmissible.

If the list of references contains works presented in Cyrillic, it is necessary to submit the list of references in two versions: the first - in the original, the second - in the romanised alphabet in accordance with the American Psychological Association (recommended free site for transliteration from Russian to Latin, from Kazakh to Latin

A romanised bibliography should look as follows: author(s) (transliteration) → (year in parentheses) → article title in transliterated version [translation of the article title into English in square brackets], name of the Russian-language source (transliteration and English title), and output with notation in English.

In English, the article is formatted as follows:

- title of the article (professional translation into English);

- initials and surname of the author(s) (transliteration);

- full name of the organisation, country (official name in English);

- annotation (professional translation into English);

- keywords (professional translation into English);

- a combination of English and transliterated parts of the list of references.

7. Details of the authors

Include the following:

– name, patronymic and surname;

– academic title, academic degree;

– position or profession;

– place of work (name of the organisation);

– city, country;

– email address (e-mail);

– a photo for publication with an article.

The name of the author(s) is given in the nominative case. All information is indicated in full. Information about the authors is given in three languages ​​(Kazakh, Russian and English).

Articles that do not include information about the author in accordance with the above requirements are not accepted for consideration.

8. The content of the article sent to the Journal, all digital data and materials must be carefully checked by the authors. The low quality of the text may be the basis for rejecting the article from publication.

9. Inconsistency of the submitted material with all of the above-listed requirements may cause its rejection at the registration stage (without admission to reviewing).

10. The decision to publish an article is made by the editorial board. Editorial corrections or abbreviations may be made to the text of the article without the consent of the author.

