Independent agency for accreditation and ranking

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International webinar on the topic: “Internal Quality Assurance of Higher Education”


General Director of the IAAR Zhumagulova A.B. in her speech: “Quality Assurance in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic” spoke about the Agency’s activities at home and abroad, about the profound changes that are happening today in education and about the “Typical Rules for the Activities of Educational Organizations” approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan on May 18, 2020. According it, educational organizations need to create an Internal Quality Assurance System based on international ESG standards in order to improve the quality of educational activities.
Of great interest was the presentation by Anna Gover, Project Manager of ENQA, the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education. She spoke about the activities of ENQA and new approaches in higher education related to the transition to the distance learning format in a pandemic. The IAAR Adviser Yanovskaya O.A. in her presentation: “IAAR Policy in the Field of Internal Quality Assurance System” shared experience in the formation and development of IQAS in the Agency, where an internal quality assurance system is effectively organized and implemented, according to which priority attention is given to the formation and promotion of a quality culture. The IAAR expert of I category, Adviser to the Rector of NARXOZ University Skiba M.A. took an active part in the international webinar. She spoke about the need to develop an internal quality assurance system in HEIs and practical recommendations.
The international webinar “Internal Quality Assurance of Higher Education” caused a great positive public response and wide free discussion, and this allowed to determine the importance and significance of its holding and the great interest of the academic community in discussing new methods to improve the quality of educational services in modern conditions.
