Independent agency for accreditation and ranking

Independent agency for accreditation and rating

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INQAAHE was established in 1991 and currently has more than 270 members. The network was the first, largest and recognized organization in the world dealing with the theory and practice in the field of assessing the quality of higher education in the world.

INQAAHE mission statement:

Promoting quality assurance to the agencies by the exchange of information and experience; development of theoretical and practical foundations of the profession; development and promotion of standards of professional practice in quality assurance; encouraging and assisting in the continual improvement of agencies and members of INQAAHE, including professional development and capacity-building for universities, students and society.

 INQAAHE purposes:

  • collect and share information on the status and new developments in the theory and practice of assessment, improvement and maintenance of quality of higher education;
  • promote the dissemination of good practices for maintaining and improving quality of higher education;
  • promote research works in the field of quality management systems of higher education and their effectiveness;
  • provide consultancy and expertise to support the development of the newly established accreditation agencies; contribute to the establishment and development of relations between the accreditation agencies, particularly those that operate across national borders;
  • support network members in determining the standards of universities across national borders;
  • promote greater awareness in the international recognition of qualifications;
  • promote the development and use of credit units offsetting schemes to enhance the mobility of students within the country and abroad;
  • warn the members of the network of questionable accrediting organizations and accreditation practices.

INQAAHE membership:

Membership in the network INQAAHE can be of three types: full, associate and affiliate.

The full members are those organizations which responsible for assessing the quality of universities and educational programs (accreditation agencies; agencies that conduct evaluation and similar organizations, bodies involved in recognition of the work of accrediting agencies). Associate members - organizations, showed great interest in the evaluation issues, accreditation and quality assurance in higher education, but not involved in quality assurance procedures of universities or programs. Affiliated members - are individuals interested in the assessment issues, accreditation and quality assurance in higher education. All members of the network can be elected to the governing bodies and participate in the work of the General Assembly, but only full members are entitled to vote on decisions.

Currently composed 280 members of INQAAHE: 178 - full, 88 - associate and 14 - affiliated.
