Independent agency for accreditation and ranking

Independent agency for accreditation and rating

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IREG was formed as a joint initiative of the European Centre for Higher Education (UNESCO-CEPES) and a group of international experts on ranking studying the quality of academic ranking. IREG was founded in 2009 at the suggestion of the group of international experts.

Mission IREG:

Improving the quality of international and national ranking of higher education institutions.

Objectives IREG:

  • improving the standards and practices in accordance with the Berlin Principles on Ranking of Higher education institutions;
  • Implementation of analysis of how ranking impacts on access to higher education and employment of graduates;
  • study of the impact of ranking on institutions of higher education;
  • development of public awareness and understanding of academic work.

IREG membership:

Currently there are more than 40 organizations as part of IREG representing the UK, Germany, Denmark, Spain, China, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Russia, the US, Taiwan, France and other countries. A complete list of IREG members and detailed information about the Group can be found at IREG
