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Meeting of the IAAR Accreditation Council, February 12, 2025


On February 12, 2025, the regular meeting of the IAAR Accreditation Council was held, at which the General Director - A.B. Zhumagulova introduced the new Chairman of the AC - Abdrasilov Bolatbek Serikbaevich - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Academician, Kazakhstani statesman.

Currently, B.S. Abdrasilov heads the National Testing Center of the Ministry of Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. All his activities are always related to the development of the education system.

The meeting of the Accreditation Council reviewed the materials of the External Expert Panels (EEP) on international institutional and specialised (programme) accreditation of the following educational organisations:

1) Academy of Civil aviation (Republic of Kazakhstan)

2) National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan (Republic of Tajikistan)

3) National Center of Advanced Training «Orleu» (Republic of Kazakhstan)

4) Narxoz University (Republic of Kazakhstan)

5) Avicenna Tajik State Medical University (Republic of Tajikistan)

6) Kyrgyz-Uzbek International University named after Batyraly Sydykov (Kyrgyz Republic)

7) Washington University of Health and Science (Belize)

8) Columbus Central University School of Medicine (Belize)

9) AGSA Training Center (Republic of Kazakhstan)

10) Online Institute Smart (Russian Federation)

Information on accredited educational organisations and educational programmes can be found on the website  in the "Register" section.
