2021 ENQA online General Assembly and Associated Webinars
The Annual General Assembly of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) was held in an online format on October 21, 2021. The General Assembly was attended by more than 110 representatives of full and affiliated members of ENQA. IAAR was represented by General Director - Dr. Alina Zhumagulova and Deputy General Director for International Cooperation – Dr. Timur Kanapyanov.
The General Assembly Agenda included discussion of annual activity report, update on the Guidelines for ENQA Agency Reviews, endorsement of admission of new members, work plan for the next year, discussion of the organisation's development prospects, holding the ENQA Forum and General Assembly in 2022 and other organisational issues of the network.
During the General Assembly meeting, new members of the ENQA Board were elected: Øystein Lund (NOKUT), Jolanta Silka (AIC), Karena Maguire (QQI) and Patrick Van den Bosch (VLUHR QA). At the same time Øystein Lund (NOKUT) was elected as the new Vice-President of ENQA. In this connection, the entire IAAR team sincerely congratulates the new members of the ENQA Board and wishes them success and achievement of their goals.
The second part of the ENQA General Assembly consisted of an online Seminar “QA fit for the Post-Covid Era”. During the seminar, Deputy Director for Higher Education Policy of the European University Association (EUA) - Thérèse Zhang presented a higher education perspective; the student perspective was presented by the Vice-President of the European Student Union (ESU) - Jakub Grodecki; the practice and vision of quality assurance agencies was presented by the Managing Director of the German Agency for Quality Assurance through Accreditation of Study Programmes (AQAS), Doris Herrmann.
Detailed information on the General Assembly is available on the ENQA website.