ENQA General Assembly, 22 April 2021
On April 22, 2021, the annual General Assembly of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) was held online. The IAAR at the Assembly was represented by General Director Zhumagulova A.B. and Deputy General Director on International Cooperation Kanapyanov T.E. The main topics discussed at the General Assembly were reports on the work done, revision of Guidelines for ENQA Agency Reviews, admission of new ENQA members, planning activities for the next year, discussion of the organization's development prospects, next Members’ Forum and General Assembly in 2022 and other organisational issues of the network. Mr. Douglas Blackstock was elected as the new President of the ENQA Board, Daniela Cristina Ghiţulică and François Pernot as Vice Presidents of ENQA. Detailed information about the General Assembly is available on the ENQA website.