Independent agency for accreditation and ranking

Independent agency for accreditation and rating

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Expert Professional Development Programme


On April 19, 2024, the IAAR held a seminar to prepare academic experts of the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating (IAAR) for the EEC visit to educational organisations. The moderators were Gulfiya Nazyrova, Candidate of Economic Sciences, project manager for institutional and specialised accreditation of universities, Zhulduz Auezkhanova, IAAR post-accreditation monitoring project manager, and Yuri Belykh, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, associate professor, IAAR 1 category expert.

During the seminar, participants were familiarised with the main tasks and functions of an EEC expert in the accreditation process, conducting an external quality assessment in accordance with IAAR international accreditation standards and the Guidelines for organising and conducting an external assessment procedure in the accreditation process  of an educational organisation and (or) educational programme.

Particular attention of the seminar participants was paid to the issues of collegial discussion of the preliminary results of the assessment in accordance with the parameters of the educational programme profile, the principles of forming the evidentiary and analytical part of the EEC report, strengths and formulated recommendations. Based on the results of completing practical tasks, the seminar participants were given a certificate.
