Independent agency for accreditation and ranking

Independent agency for accreditation and rating

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Meeting of the IAAR Accreditation Council


On January 28, 2022, a regular meeting of the IAAR Accreditation Council was held to review the materials of external expert commissions (EEC) of international institutional and specialized (program) accreditation of educational organizations.

At the meeting of the Accreditation Council, the following educational organizations were considered:

  • Smolensk State Medical University (Russian Federation).
  • Altai State Medical University (Russian Federation).
  • Belarusian State Medical University (Republic of Belarus).
  • International European University (Ukraine).
  • Azerbaijan Medical University (Azerbaijan Republic).
  • International Higher School of Medicine (Kyrgyz Republic).
  • Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Republic of Kazakhstan).
  • Kazan State Institute of Culture (Russian Federation).
  • Kazakh National Academy of Choreography (Republic of Kazakhstan).
  • West Kazakhstan Medical University named after M. Ospanov (Republic of Kazakhstan).
  • Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanov (Republic of Kazakhstan).
  • Suleiman Demirel University (Republic of Kazakhstan).
  • West Kazakhstan Innovation and Technology University (Republic of Kazakhstan).
  • Institution "Baishev University" (Republic of Kazakhstan).
  • National Center for Medical Education (Republic of Kazakhstan).
  • Training center "Sanat" (Republic of Kazakhstan)

For the first time, the IAAR Accreditation Council made a decision on the results of an external evaluation of the joint educational program (undergraduate) of the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography and the Kazan State Institute of Culture.

The first experience of assessing the quality of a two-degree program of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation was carried out in accordance with the standards and guidelines for the international specialized (program) accreditation of a joint educational program of higher education, developed on the basis of ESG and the European approach to quality assurance of joint programs, 2015.

As part of the accreditation of the educational program, international experts got acquainted with the internal quality assurance systems of partner universities, the model of their interaction in preparing students and creating the necessary conditions for students.

Information on accredited educational organizations and educational programs can be found on the website in the "Register" section.
