Independent agency for accreditation and ranking

Independent agency for accreditation and rating

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Meeting of the IAAR Accreditation Council, December 8, 2023


On December 8, 2023, a regular meeting of the Accreditation Council was held to review the materials of External Expert Commissions (EEC) within the framework of international institutional and specialised (programme) accreditation of the following educational organisations:

1) “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Bucharest (Romania)

2) Non-profit joint-stock company "S. Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University" (Republic of Kazakhstan)

3) Non-profit joint-stock company "Toraighyrov University" (Republic of Kazakhstan)

4) Institution “Almaty Humanitarian-Economic University” (Republic of Kazakhstan)

5) Bashkir State Medical University (Russian Federation)

6) Limited Liability Partnership “Training and International Education Center” (Republic of Kazakhstan)

Information on accredited educational organisations and educational programmes can be found on the website in the Register section.
