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For Authors

Requirements for article formatting

Example of Article Design

Instructions for recalling, correcting articles, publishing corrections, apologies and refutations

Article publication in the journal is carried out using an online submission and peer review system. Registration and authorization are available on the journal's website at

When preparing articles for publication in the journal, authors should adhere to the following rules.

Main Publication Criteria

  • Journal frequency: 4 times a year. In one issue of the journal, an author can publish no more than one article.
  • Articles are accepted in Kazakh, Russian and English languages, not previously published in print and/or electronic format.
  • All scientific articles undergo mandatory blind peer review by independent reviewers - scientists or specialists with the closest scientific specialization to the article's topic.
  • After peer review, the article may be sent back to the author for revision.
  • The date of receipt of the article is considered to be the date of receipt of the final version by the editorial office.
  • The editorial office reserves the right to make editorial changes to the text that do not distort the meaning of the article.

The journal owner and editorial board are not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided by the authors of the research.

By submitting a manuscript to the journal, the author assumes personal responsibility for the originality of the research, the correctness and accuracy of the data, facts, quotations, personal names, geographical names, surnames, initials and other information provided, as well as for placing in the article data not subject to open publication, and authorizes the journal owner to publish the work by publishing it in print.

By submitting the manuscript for publication in the journal, the author guarantees the correctness of all information about themselves, the absence of plagiarism and other forms of unauthorized borrowing in the manuscript of the article, the proper design of all borrowed text, tables, diagrams, illustrations. Authors of published materials are responsible for the selection and accuracy of the facts, quotations, statistical data and other information provided.

Plagiarism is considered the intentional appropriation of authorship of someone else's scientific work, thoughts, art or invention. Plagiarism may constitute a violation of copyright and patent law and, as such, may result in legal liability for the author.

The author guarantees that they have exclusive rights to use the material submitted to the journal. In the event of a breach of this warranty and the filing of claims against the journal owner and/or editorial board, the author undertakes independently and at their own expense to settle all claims. The journal owner and editorial board are not liable to third parties for breaches of these author guarantees.

Submitting an article for publication in the journal implies the author's agreement with the above requirements.

When reprinting materials, a reference to the journal is mandatory.


A scientific article should meet the following criteria:

1) Relevance of the work and alignment with the priority scientific directions of the journal (importance, applicability of ideas, methods and technologies described in the article).

2) Scientific novelty (originality of the idea, solving the assigned research problems).

3) Structuredness (logical, consistent, coherent presentation)

4) Significance of the main research results (presentation of results, theoretical and practical significance, conclusions, scientific-practical value).

5) Literary level of the article (communicative value, adherence to scientific style, language and stylistic norms).

6) Quality of formatting: compliance with editorial requirements, use of terminological vocabulary, keywords, presence of abstracts in three languages ​​(Kazakh, Russian, English), and a list of references.

7) Compliance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, including issues related to intellectual property protection. 

The author must clearly define the specificity of the research problem and its connection with important scientific and practical tasks, identify the research goal. The article should include a brief analysis of recent research and publications addressing the problem under investigation and referenced by the author. The main material should be presented with full justification of the scientific results obtained, and the article should conclude with conclusions drawn from the conducted research. It is also desirable to outline the prospects for further research in this direction.


When writing an article, it is necessary to adhere to the structure accepted in global practice:

  • IRSTI and UDC code
  • DOI
  • Title of the article, author information and their affiliations in three languages;
  • Abstract (no more than 300 words) in three languages
  • Keywords in three languages
  • Introduction
  • Materials and methods of research
  • Results and their discussion
  • Conclusion
  • References
  • Author information

The article should not contain appendices (exceptions are allowed in rare cases, with a volume not exceeding 1 page with parameters similar to the main text of the article).

It is recommended to minimize or exclude the use of footnotes and endnotes.


In the upper left corner, above the title of the article, the IRSTI code is indicated based on the International Rubricator of Scientific and Technical Information used for document systematization in the Electronic Catalog. IRSTI relevant to the topic can be identified on the website On the next line is the UDC code, based on the Universal Decimal Classification system used worldwide for systematizing works of science, literature, art, periodicals, etc., in bold font, straight. DOI is assigned by the editorial board and indicated in the upper right corner.

The title of the article should reflect the research topic and its content, be concise yet informative and specific, written in a scientific style. The title of the article in three languages is centered - first in the primary language of the manuscript, then in Russian, English (if the article is in Kazakh), in Kazakh, English (if the article is in Russian), in Kazakh and Russian (if the article is in English), in uppercase, bold font, straight. The title of the article should be in uppercase, bold font, straight, centered alignment.

The title of the article is separated from the author information by one blank line. The author's last name and initials, academic degree, academic title, place of work, city, country should be indicated. The name of the organization is specified in the nominative case, in full, without abbreviations. If there are several authors, they themselves decide on the order of mentioning in the article, usually based on their contribution to the research. The author's full name(s) is indexed with the place of work for each. The number of authors should not exceed 5.

The abstract should summarize the essence and methods of the research, summarize the most important results and their significance. The abstract is presented in 3 languages (Kazakh, Russian and English). The volume of the abstract is no more than 300 words. After the abstract, keywords are provided in a maximum of 7 words/phrases after the article title in Kazakh, Russian and English. The structure of the abstract is built similarly to the structure of the article (brief justification of the problem, goal, materials and methods, results and discussion).

The text of the article with a volume of at least 8 pages is provided in Kazakh, Russian or English languages in electronic format (documents are accepted in doc or docx formats) with the following parameters:

  • Times New Roman font, font size - 14 pt, single line spacing, justified alignment, paragraph indentation - 1.25 cm;
  • Left margin - 3 cm, right margin - 1.5 cm, top and bottom margins - 2 cm;
  • The text is printed on only one side of the sheet, pages are sequentially numbered (the number is indicated in the bottom right corner of the page);
  • All abbreviations and acronyms must be deciphered upon first mention in the text.

INTRODUCTION. The introduction presents the relevance of the research topic, its objectives and tasks, and based on them, an analysis of the obtained materials is provided, demonstrating the justification of the methodological approach to the problems considered in the article.

MATERIAL AND METHODS OF RESEARCH. The section succinctly and specifically describes the research object and all the methods used in its conduct, demonstrating their essence and reasoned selection. If necessary, examples of key studies should be provided.

RESULTS AND THEIR DISCUSSION. In this section, the main research results should be presented, featuring factual, objective, systematic and concise data supplemented with text and illustrations. The author(s) demonstrate the significance or novelty of the study, emphasize the identified patterns, and provide specific recommendations.

CONCLUSION. In the Conclusion section, the obtained results and their novelty are summarized briefly and informatively. The sentences and recommendations should confirm the achievement of the research goals and objectives. It is important to indicate the practical implications of the obtained results and propose directions for further scientific research.         

The section titles are written in uppercase letters, separated by paragraphs and highlighted in bold font (INTRODUCTION, MATERIALS AND METHODS OF RESEARCH, RESULTS AND THEIR DISCUSSION, CONCLUSION).

The article must contain a bibliography. A reference to each source from the list is mandatory in the text. The absence of a bibliography may result in the refusal to register the article.

The list of references is provided at the end of the article, included in the total number of pages of the article, and is formatted as sources are mentioned.

In articles written in Kazakh, Russian or English, the list of references must have the standard heading "ӘДЕБИЕТТЕР ТІЗІМІ" / "СПИСОК ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ" / "REFERENCES" and is formatted according to GOST 7.1-2003 (including English-language sources in the list).

References in articles are formatted in square brackets within the text of the article, with the number of the source according to the bibliography list (for example: [1]). Footnote references to literature at the bottom of the page are not allowed.

If the bibliography list includes works presented in Cyrillic, it should be presented in two versions: the original and romanized alphabet according to the American Psychological Association (APA) style (recommended free website for transliteration from Russian to Latin:, from Kazakh to Latin:

The romanized bibliography list should follow this format: author(s) (transliteration) → (year in parentheses) → title of the article in transliterated form [translation of the title into English in square brackets], the title of the Russian-language source (transliteration and English title), publication details in English.

For articles written in English, the format should be as follows:

  • Title of the article (professionally translated into English);
  • Initials and surname of the author(s) (transliteration);
  • Full name of the organization, country (official name in English);
  • Abstract (professionally translated into English);
  • Keywords (professionally translated into English);
  • Combination of English-language and transliterated parts of the bibliography list.


Information about the authors should include the following elements:

  • First name, patronymic and surname;
  • Academic title, academic degree;
  • Position or profession;
  • Place of work (organization name);
  • City, country;
  • Email address.

The authors' names should be provided in the nominative case. All information should be provided in full. Author information is provided in three languages (Kazakh, Russian and English).

Articles without author information according to the above requirements will not be considered.

The text should comply with the stylistic, spelling and syntactic norms of the respective language (Kazakh, Russian or English). The content of the article submitted to the journal, all numerical data and materials should be carefully reviewed by the authors. Low-quality text may be grounds for rejection of the article for publication.

Table and figure numbering should be sequential throughout the text. Figures are numbered separately from tables. Each table and figure must be referenced in the text, with the word "Figure/Table" followed by the corresponding number (e.g., "Figure 1" or "see Table 1").

If the text includes figures, they must be included both within the text and as separate files (.jpeg, .png) attached to the article. The quality of illustrations should be at least 300 dpi. The title of the figure is placed below the figure and centered. There is no period after the title. Example: Figure 1 - Title of the Figure

The title of the table is left-aligned without an indent. There is no period after the title. Landscape-oriented tables are not desirable. Example: Table 1 - Title of the Table

Failure to comply with all of the above requirements may result in rejection of the material at the registration stage (without being sent for peer review).

The decision to publish an article is made by the editorial board. Editorial corrections or reductions may be made to the article text without the author's consent.

